Marah Romanski
3 min readJun 14, 2021


Like humans, dogs like to show they love us too.

Has your dog ever shuffled over and leaned on you? Well, it’s not for support. Dogs have to show you that they love you because they can’t physically say it. Our furry friends love to show us that they appreciate us by doing simple acts such as leaning their weight against our leg or licking your face.

We are our dogs comfort when they are scared, nervous or upset. When your pups ears fold back and that typically wagging tail tucks between their legs its an immediate sign that they are uncomfortable or scared and it’s now your duty to help them, whether that is calming them down or removing them from a stressful situation. Hiding is another nervous behavior of a dog, they may have gotten yelled at when they got in the garbage or peed in the house and decided to run and hide because they were in trouble? This is because, like humans, dogs also have a fight or flight response and some breeds will choose the flight choice more than others. Here is this great article on the fight or flight response of a dog on

Playful behavior in dogs is the most interesting to me. The way my oldest dog will decide he wants to bounce around like a bunny amuses everyone in the house. Dogs tend to play fight, they fake biting in a way that they will mouth you or whoever they are playing with. My two younger dogs will do this stop and go play that can get crazy, they will be playing, and they will both pause for a dramatic amount of time and then resume play. Dogs will do what is called a bow too to signal they are in a playful mood, they stick their butt straight up in the air while the rest of their body is on the ground, some dogs will growl or bark to get the attention of who they are trying to start playtime with in this situation, They may flash a playful smile too.

Sleepy pups may be uninterested in activities they cannot wait to do, but sometimes that could mean they are sick too. If you are noticing your dog acting out of character or lethargic it may be a good idea to set up an appointment with the vet. Some dogs do sometimes get tired and will need a power nap before they resume typical activities.

